heading home for the summer…

After our wonderful, but way too short, time in Mississippi with Samaritan’s Purse, it was time to make a break for home.  We had promised friends that we would house-sit for them while they went to Texas for 2 weeks (lucky!!!), and we needed to get back to our bigs.  We love to travel, but it sure was a lot easier being on the road for most of the year before we had 2 grow up and stop traveling with us!

We hit the road…SDand snow 008and had 3 nice, but very long driving days.  On Monday, (last Monday, not yesterday! LOL!), we pulled into Rapid City, SD.  It was chilly and rainy when we pulled in at 10:15pm.  We hadn’t been there 10 minutes, and the rain turned into… SDand snow 010Snow!
This is what we looked like the next morning…SDand snow 011Obviously, we had no business being this far north, this early! LOL!  It.was.freezing.

And we weren’t the only crazy ones, we had company – a couple in a Class C from Alaska had also spent the night in the Cabela’s parking lot.  We both sat it out the next day, and didn’t pick up jacks.  We ran and got them some RV anti-freeze since they didn’t have a toad, and we all just hung out on Monday not wanting to risk it on the roads… SDand snow 017

We KNOW that the best time to come back to Montana is the middle of May.  Not a bit before.
There is something pretty special about grown kids, and good friends, tho, that makes braving the bitter artic cold 😉  worth it all.   😀

Lilla Rose

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