almost there!

Saturday we drove from Billings, south through all of Wyoming…to ok 007

and into Colorado, where we spent the night in a Walmart parking lot.  Years ago, when we first started traveling, I used to keep a journal and write all the little details of each day’s happenings down.  That has long since fallen by the wayside, and, to be honest, I can’t tell you the name of the town that we wallydocked at last night (it’s too much work to go look it up on the receipt for the donuts that we bought for breakfast 😉  ).  Yep, every once in awhile, when we are parked at a Walmart overnight, I’m a ‘bad mom’ 😉 and let them have donuts for breakfast. chocolate donuts preferably…to ok 037

The Walmart reminded me of Fort Stockton because there were so many RVs there!  And the other side of the parking lot looked like a truck stop! LOL!  (but they were all lined up so neatly and far away from the store)  We like neighbors!  :)

This morning we drove through Denver and a bit further south before turning east onto I-70 and driving into Kansas.   We pulled into a large parking lot at a fuel station to make a quick lunch (the kids never tire of sandwiches as long as I have dill pickle slices to put on them! LOL!).  Later on in the afternoon, we pulled into one of Kansas’ very nice rest stops and used their dump station to empty our tanks.  We weren’t able to fill up our fresh water tank since we didn’t find a ‘potable water’ spigot. to ok 047We had been thinking of either buying another enclosed trailer, or emptying this one, before we left in the fall, to haul all our kayaks next year.  Not sure if we will or won’t – I’ve found that I don’t mind hauling it a bit, but I do mind that I need to fill up the fuel tank more frequently.  I think that we are on fuel stop #6 – at an average of $95 for the van, and I don’t know what for the truck (ignorance is bliss, right???).  :(    …tho I am getting 10mpg, which is a little better than what I thought I might get…

Our drive through Kansas has been beautiful!!!  It is so incredibly green all over here.  (mostly) Flat, and all farm land, and dotted with hundreds of huge wind turbines…to ok 051

We made it over to Salina; I love the country around there!!!  Rolling hills with scrub pines, and we saw lots of charming old farm buildings…to ok 084

At Salina, we got on 35 heading south, and tonight (Sunday night) we are Wallydocking again (love the price! 😉 ) in Newton, KS.   I like to stay at Walmart – it doesn’t matter that my fridge is only 9 sq. ft. when the grocery store is right out the front door!  There is already a list on the counter for whatever big kids wake up first – the most important item is to see if we are far enough south yet to buy roux for gumbo! LOL!!!

The drive to Moore, OK tomorrow googles at 3 hours, but it always takes us a little longer since we drive 60-65, and tend to make more stops than most!    We are anxious to get there and see how we can pitch in to help clean up after the tornados!   We’ll keep you posted!

Lilla Rose

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  1. Michael Reece says:

    I’m glad you and your family are having a safe trip. I filled out an application to work with Sameritans Purse for next week and haven’t heard back from them. I have quite a few supplies to drop off regardless. So hopefully I will get to meet you next week.
    God Bless

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